Email Lists – What are email lists?

E- mail lists  are databases that store a number of email addresses to send general messages to all those who are subscribed.
They are used to send  email marketing campaigns  to high numbers of subscribers who will simultaneously receive the communications.
When an email address receives one of these communications without having subscribed to this list, it is known as  spam.
These mass email sendings to these lists are carried out through an email sending tool.
By making these sends, and depending on the behavior of the list members, different metrics can be obtained such as the  opening rate,  the  bounce rate  or the  cancellation rate.

Whitelist  or White lists


whitelist is one in which the user has registered, granting their consent for their data to be stored there and their authorization to receive email communications from the owner of the list. Since the user has granted these permissions, the submissions are not considered intrusive or annoying, thus avoiding being considered spam. This status may vary based on the behavior of the user who receives the shipments, or based on the content and quality of said shipments.   

Blacklist  or Blacklists

They are lists that store IP’s, domains and email addresses suspected of sending spam by users. When the sender sends a message from an IP, domain or address included in a list, the email client may classify it as spam. A sender can enter a blacklist if their shipments are detected as spam by anti-spam filters or because receiving users classify them as such. There are three types of spam filters that can include a sender on a blacklist: Content filters: They analyze various elements of the email content (HTML, relationship of images and text, inclusion of prohibited words). Reputation filters: They analyze the reputation of the domain, IP or sender address to see if it has been classified as spam. It also uses spam traps, email addresses owned by email clients that never subscribe to any list. If these addresses receive any email, the sender will be included in the blacklist. Behavior filters: They analyze the behavior of the users who receive the emails and, based on this (opens, clicks, etc.) they classify the sender as a legitimate sender or as spam. 

Good practices in email lists

For the correct development of email marketing campaigns, it is recommended to carry out certain practices:

  • Eliminate erroneous or non-existent addresses to avoid Hard Bounces 

  • Keep users active through reactivation campaigns

  • Segment lists into small groups to send them content relevant to them

  • Double opt-in confirmation to verify addresses and consent before adding them to the list  

Bad practices in email lists

There are certain practices that should be avoided to avoid being classified as a spammer:

  • Never buy or rent lists

  • Do not use lists for other shipments than those that led users to subscribe

  • Do not send to inactive lists