SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Positioning)  is the set of techniques intended for a web page to appear in the highest possible positions when a search is performed in an online search engine.
Search engines use algorithms to evaluate the relevance of a web page with respect to the search that a user has performed.


Tracking and indexing

Search engines use robots to crawl the web looking for public pages to include in their search index.
In the case of Google, it is called “googlebot”. To tell it to ignore a URL that you don’t want to appear in searches, a “noindex” tag can be used.
The pages that these bots have located are compiled into an index through which they can be displayed on search result pages. This is known as indexing.
In the case of Google, you can know the crawling and indexing status of your websites through its Search Console tool.

Important factors in SEO

There are various factors that search engines evaluate when choosing the specific ranking that a page will occupy in the search result pages. Some of the most decisive are the following:


The presence of keywords related to the search terms (  Keywords ) and their correct structure and hierarchy (presence in the title tags, url, indexes, etc.) is decisive when it comes to whether a web page appears in a higher position or lower in search results.

Domain Authority

This is an indicator developed by SEOMoz that measures the relevance or popularity of a specific domain. The measurement ranges from 1 to 100 and the higher it is, the more relevance search engines will give it when it comes to showing the pages of this domain in the search results. 

Page Authority (Page Authority)

The same concept as above but instead of applying it to an entire domain in general, it is applied to a specific web page.


Search engines give a lot of importance to external links that point to a page when assessing their authority and importance in relation to a specific search carried out by a user. Through links, as long as they are “dofollow”, a page transmits its popularity to another party, making the latter gain relevance. This is known as “linkjuice” or “link juice.” Likewise, internal links on the same website also help improve the crawling and indexing of a website by search engines. 

WPO (Web Performance Optimization)

The speed of loading time of the website, as well as  the user experience, is also a factor to take into account if you want to stand out in the top positions of searches.

Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithms

Google Panda is an update carried out in the Google algorithm that focuses on the quality of content. It penalizes content that is duplicated or that may be irrelevant, written incorrectly or that does not provide differential value to the user. Penguin was included in 2012 and evaluates the quality of a website’s external links. Penalizes low quality links, directories, purchased links or sitewide (a link that is repeated on all pages of a website). Hummingbird is not an update, but a completely new algorithm that focuses on semantic search (those with vague terms), and the Knowledge Graph, which looks for connections between different concepts to complete the search results. 

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, what are they?

It is known as White Hat SEO that is practiced based on the guidelines set by search engines. Black Hat SEO is one that uses techniques not allowed by search algorithms. Although it can achieve short-term results, the website that practices it exposes itself to the risk of receiving a penalty that reduces its positioning in search results, so it is not a recommended practice.