Customer Journey Map – What is a Customer Journey Map?


The Customer Journey Map is the itinerary that a customer follows that includes each interaction with the company, product or service. Creating a model of this itinerary allows us to know the different stages of the process from when a customer comes into contact with a product or service, until they make the decision to carry out the purchase or subscription process, and even afterwards, if that customer becomes loyal. or until its life time value runs out. These diagrams are created from the customer’s perspective to try to adapt marketing and product actions to facilitate the decision, acquisition and customer loyalty process as much as possible. customer journey map can cover the entire process from the discovery of the brand or product to customer loyalty, or it can focus only on a certain phase


Touchpoints of the customer journey map 

The customer experience consists of several phases that we can divide into touch points: moments in which the user interacts with the brands or the product. Typically, touchpoints are divided into:

  • Discovery:  The user has a first contact with a brand, product or service.

  • Comparison:  The user evaluates various similar options.

  • Pre-consumption:  The user has opted for a brand, product or service.

  • Consumption:  The purchase or subscription is carried out.

  • Loyalty:  The user becomes a recurring customer.

Elements of the customer journey map 

Typically, a customer journey map will have the following elements:  

  • Timeline:  graphically represents the customer’s journey over a certain period of time.

  • Customer journey:  The different channels and touchpoints that the customer has gone through in their journey.

  • Customer profile (Buyer Persona):   Representation of the ideal customer, their motivations and fears.

  • Strengths and pain points:  The points in which the customer had a satisfactory experience and those that can be improved.

  • Customer experience:  The motivations that lead you to move from one phase to another of the purchasing process.

Types of customer journey maps 

There are various types of customer journey maps , these two being the most common: 

  • Current state map:  Defines the way customers are interacting with a brand, product or service at the current moment.

  • Future state map:  They try to define how a user can interact, how the company would want them to interact, and the way to achieve this objective.

Advantages of creating a customer experience map

Creating a customer journey map can offer various advantages for a company, such as the following:  

  • Improve efficiency and increase CRO   graphically represent the customer journey in a certain period of time.

  • Differentiation from the competition

  • Identify possible leak points

  • Increase loyalty

  • Reduce Churn Rate 

How to create a customer journey map 

Although there is no single valid model for all companies, and it varies depending on the nature of each business, these would be the steps to create a customer journey map 

  • Split customer touchpoints across funnel stages. 

  • Divide that chronology between positive or negative experiences.

  • Optimize the media and channels used at each stage of the customer journey so that the experience at each point is as satisfa