Banner – What is a banner?

A banner is a digital advertising format widely used on the Internet, which is usually placed on web pages to give visibility to its content.  

Banners are made up of different elements: text, images and other multimedia files, which are combined to attract the user’s attention with the aim of making them click and visit the link to which they point.

Today it is one of the most used formats in digital marketing, since it is one of the ones that give the best results in the short term.

What are banners for?


The final objective of banners is to give promotion and visibility to their content, therefore, they are normally used for the following functions:

  • Promote a product or service:  they can be used to promote specific products or services on the target website, driving traffic directly to a purchase page or one that provides more information about the product or service that you want to promote, which helps shorten the time. sales funnel. 

  • Promote a brand:  they can also be used to promote a brand or a company, driving traffic to its website or profiles on social networks, which helps to gain notoriety in the market and generates a greater sense of trust in potential clients. .

  • Monetization:  banners can also be used for monetization, channeling traffic towards the sale of third-party products or services that provide commission, which increases your traffic and the possibilities of achieving sales or visits that generate income through partnership programs or other monetization methods.

How to make a banner

Next, we will see some tips to know how to create an effective banner that correctly fulfills its function:

  • Banner Type and Size:  There are many shapes and sizes for banners. It is necessary to know where on the website we want to place the banner and choose the shape and size that best fits the place where we want to place it. Otherwise, it could alter the structure of the website and make navigation difficult for users. If you use Google advertising through banners, they themselves tell you the correct formats.

  • Banner colors:  it is advisable to choose a range of colors that corresponds to the corporate colors of the brand or company, as this makes it easier for users to visually identify the brand, which generates greater notoriety and trust.

  • Content:  the content of a banner must be simple and clear, easy to interpret, recognize and read for users and capture their attention from the first moment of impact.

  • Link:  it is very important that the banner contains a link that points to a sales page or that contains more information about what you want to promote. Otherwise, users will not be able to easily access the content and much of its effectiveness will be lost.

  • Adaptability:  another very important factor is the adaptability of the banner to the screens of the different devices with which users browse. It is advisable to use responsive designs, which automatically adapt to the browser window, thus preventing the banner from being lost or the page losing its structure when accessed on mobile devices.